Deploy Jenkins job from the command line and chrome notification for job result


  • Current my daily tasks are:
    1. Develop feature
    2. Create a git merge request
    3. Create a git tag
    4. Go to Jenkins site and deploy to a specify env and git tag above
    5. Wait for Jenkins build result
  • So, I think I can make the process at step 4 and 5 more automatic


  • A script for deploy Jenkins from the command line
    • So we no need switch to Jenkins page, now you can do everything on you IDE
  • A chrome extension for notifying when build success
    • Another solution is set up a webhook for Jenkins so it can send the result to Slack or Mattermost group. But I think it still makes spam for me, I just want to notify on some projects.


  • You must have Jenkins username and API token
    • API token get at Configure tab on the account info page

Script for deploy Jenkins from the command line

  • It uses Jenkins API for send deploy request
  • Basically, all of it is do this command
curl -v -X POST \
  --user yourusername:yourapitoken \
  --data-urlencode json='{"parameter": [{"name":"Environment", "value":"test"}, {"name":"COMMIT", "value":"dev"}]}'
  • Value of parameter depend on the config of your Jenkins job
  • I wrapper above curl command to Javascript file, so you need Node to run
  • We can run a command like node scripts/deploy.js dev v1.1.1
    • You can custom to correct with your Jenkins config
  • Source code at

A chrome extension for notifying when build success

How it works

  • We have a monitor server which uses for interval fetch status of jobs
    • We choose jobs to want to monitor
  • This monitor server also serves an API get notifies which used by chrome ext
  • Chrome ext interval fetch notifies from the monitor server and displays it.
Alt Text


The end

If you have any other ways, solutions please share with us

I think one way to boot productivity is to avoid context switch as much as possible.